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Web Resources - Writing
Basic Essay Writing | Academic Writing Skills | Writing Research Papers and Honours Projects | Business Writing | Common Errors & Proofreading | Referencing and Avoiding Plagiarism | Creative Writing

Basic Essay Writing top ^
  • Road to IELTS
    This is an IELTS Preparation program subscribed to by HKBU library. The writing modules cover basic essay writing and are arranged under topic headings. There are also vocabulary development exercises to match each topic.

Academic Writing Skills top ^
  • Using English for Academic Purposes - Writing
    This site has a lot of clear instruction and many interactive exercises to help you to understand every aspect of academic writing at university level. Especially helpful may be the following pages: Functions (extensive lists of useful vocabulary and phrases), Paragraph writing, Organisation, Reporting (paraphrasing and summarizing), References and Citation (how to quote different types of sources).

  • Academic English Cafe
    Take free English language quizzes, practice academic vocabulary, find great books on learning English, read model essays, listen to authentic English language podcasts and more!

Writing Research Papers and Honours Projects top ^
  • Help with Writing Final Year Projects
    This excellent site is written especially for year three Hong Kong university students working on their final year projects. Here you will find information, tips and interactive exercises on every aspect of the writing process and product.

  • Final Year Projects
    This site takes final-year undergraduate students through all the steps necessary to write a term project.

  • How to Write a PhD Thesis
    Although this site is aimed at PhD students, it has much valuable information that would be helpful for Honours Projects and Masters level writing too. It contains information about the structure and organization of theses, and practical advice on how to go about the writing process.

  • Writing and Presenting your Thesis or Dissertation
    There is some excellent advice and information on this site about the whole process of planning and writing a proposal and/or a thesis, and advice on preparing for a thesis/dissertation defence.

  • The Writing Centre
    This site has a lot of information on the organization and content of many different kinds of writing assignments, such as literature reviews, abstracts, reports, research papers, different kinds of letters and other academic genres. There is also some language help such as grammar and proofreading advice.

Business Writing top ^
  • English in the Workplace
    Scroll down to ‘Writing Workplace Correspondence’ and ‘Writing Workplace Reports’ and you will find links to much valuable information on how to write different types of business correspondence. There is instruction on style, contents, organization, grammar and vocabulary, with many interactive exercises.
  • ProWriteHK
    ProWriteHK offers free interactive resource for enhancing professional writing skills, including job search writing (CV and resumes), writing at work (reports, proposals, etc.), and appraisals. The materials are developed by CAES at the University of Hong Kong.

Common Errors & Proofreading top ^
  • Common Error Detector in English
    This site, by Hong Kong Polytechnic University, covers common written academic errors of Hong Kong students. It will help you identify your own errors and learning style, and has many exercises for you to practice and test yourself with.

  • Self-Study Proofreading
    Try your hand at a little proofreading on this site. Scroll down the page and you’ll find a heading ‘Writing’ with links to 4 different online proofreading exercises.

  • Write & Improve
    This free online tool helps you practise your writing and get feedback on your spelling, grammar, and vocabulary instantly.

Referencing and Avoiding Plagiarism top ^

Creative Writing top ^
  • Daily Writing Tips
    The rise of the information age - with the proliferation of e-mails, blogs and social networks - makes the ability to write clear, correct English more important than ever. Daily Writing Tips is about that.