Verbs/ Adjectives / Adverbs


  • In the Introduction (Introducing the topic, current trends/previous studies, and project focus and aim)
  • Defining a technical term: is/are + known as, is/are caused by

[1] This disease is known as …

[2] Head and neck cancers are caused by …

  • Supporting with previous studies: show

[3] Previous studies have shown …

  • Stating the project focus and aim: discuss, focus on, aim at/to

[4] We will discuss in this paper …

[5] The project focuses on …

  • Beware of the following common errors:

[6] Lacking of* physical findings and symptoms …

ü Lacking in physical findings and symptoms …

[7] We believe we could get further results related* latter in our follow up work.

ü We believe we could obtain further results related to our follow up work later.


  • In Methodology (Describing the methodology)
  • Describing and explaining the methodology: adopt, analyse, apply, attempt, calculate, conduct, construct, define, derive, indicate, investigate, perform, select, show, use

[8] To analyse the gene-expression of cancer patients …

[9] … we constructed the cluster using the data selected through variance analysis.

[10] … we defined the distance between two clusters …

[11] The study of Yeung and Ruzzo (2001) showed …

[12] … the variance of each gene among all patients was calculated and the genes with a high variance were selected and used for further analysis.

[13] … we have adopted hierarchical cluster, and k means methods …

[14] PCA method was applied to the data …

  • Be consistent in the use of verbs:

[15] Step 1: Investigating* meaningful genes to analyse

ü Investigate meaning genes to analyse

      Step 2: Construct a matrix for Cluster Analysis

      Step 3: Analyse Heatmap for deeper understanding

      Step 4: Conclusion*

ü Conclude the study and findings

ü Or, use the gerund (VERB + ‒ing) throughout the steps.

  • Beware of the following error on subject-verb agreement:

[16] This project focus* …

ü This project focuses ...

  • In Data analysis/Findings and Results (Reporting the data analyses, key findings and results with graphs/charts/tables)
  • Describing and reporting textual and graphic information: indicate, plot, represent, show

[17] Figure 1 plots the variance of 5495 genes …

​[18] … figure 2 shows the density of these variances.

[19] Table/Figure N indicates …

  • Describing the analytical processes: carry out, calculate, capture, definite, eliminate, investigate, retain

[20] We carried out a principal component analysis to investigate whether we could capture most of the variation …

[21] … the first 5 components could capture 50% of the variance.

[22] We eliminated the first two columns of the data …

[23] To calculate …

[24] … we defined our own function …

[25] Another way of deciding how many components to retain …

  • Describing trends: drop, decrease, decline, increase, level off, reach, reduce, remain,

[26] … the dimension can be reduced to …

Corresponding nouns for describing trends: increase, decrease, peak, trough/bottom, fluctuation, stabilization

  • Describing the cause and effect of the experiments: account for, cause, result from

[27] Because these two components could only account for 34% of the variance which does not provide a satisfactory result, …

[28] The difference between groups may have resulted from different cancer stages …

  • Reporting the findings and results: consider, find

[29] We found/consider …

  • Beware of the following error on phrasal verb:

[30] To sum* the result …

ü To sum up the result …

  • In Discussion (Discussing the results and findings)
  • Discussing the obstacles in the study: limit

[31] … we were limited by the small sample size of patients …

  • Discussing the findings and results: analyse, affect, establish, find, identify, make, see

[32] By analysing gene-expression … we can identify which gene can affect the occurrence ratio of Head and neck cancer.

[33] … hypothesis testing could be established to …

  • In Conclusion (Concluding the discussion and study)
  • Concluding the study by evaluating the limitations and stating the expectations: consider, expect, hope, ignore, neglect

[34] We ignored/did not consider …

[35] We expected …


Adjectives and adverbs

  • Adjectives suitable to be used in Data analysis/Findings and Results, and Discussion: accurate, complex, descending, even, indicative, optimal, random, satisfactory, significant, similar, suitable, stagnant, volatile
  • Adverbs suitable to be used in all sections: clearly, fundamentally, highly, rapidly, similarly, quite, significantly
  • Describing the degree of movement: slow(ly), gradual(ly), steady(-ily), dramatic(ally), sudden(ly), sharp(ly)
  • Comparatives and superlatives
  • comparatives

[36] The box plot shows that number of births on weekdays were higher than on weekends.

  • superlatives

[37] The most significant trend seen in the box plot is that most births took place during weekdays, with the highest mean on Tuesdays.

About this website

This website has been developed as part of the UGC funded project, "Supporting and developing students’ English literacy practices in the disciplines” which is funded by the University Grants Committee’s Competitive Funding Scheme on Teaching and Learning for the 2012-2015 triennium. This inter-institutional literacy project aims to examine the provision of English literacy across three broad disciplines in Hong Kong tertiary institutes, namely Social Science, Science and Engineering in the participating institutions that include the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, City University of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Baptist University. The website consists of a comprehensive support system to help provide a stimulating learning environment for students, content and language teachers. It also aims to help teachers become conversant with disciplinary genres and the linguistic and pedagogical resources suitable in a second language learning environment. The resources on this website will be open to and shared by all tertiary institutions in Hong Kong and beyond.