
What is a final group project report?

The objective of a final group project report is that you learn about the application of subject-specific methodologies, data analyses, report writing, and group project management. Your final group project report may be either with a given topic or set of data, or you may be required to select an appropriate topic yourselves.  If you are not given a topic or set of data, you are required to select one specific topic with appropriate issues; search for, collect and filter the information that is relevant to the topic and issues.

In both cases you are required to:

  • assume your readers are outsiders of the subject field, and introduce them to the topic and issues;
  • account for your selection and priority of the chosen subject-/topic-specific methods suitable to be applied to data analysis;
  • synthesise the subject knowledge and techniques required for data analysis; compile and analyse the data before planning and writing the report.
  • present your analyses, key findings and results logically and sensibly, for instance, by graphs/charts/tables with descriptions;
  • show your critical thinking and understanding of the subject knowledge through identifying and discussing the possible factors, trends and effects based on your findings and results;
  • make recommendations for actions based on the discussions of analyses, findings and results;
  • conclude and evaluate what you have learnt through the study, what the achievements and limitations you have had during the processes, and what implications your study has for the same kind of studies in the future.


Length and Focus

The length of final group project reports in Applied Mathematics varies. They should normally be about 1,500 to 2,000 words and 10 to 20 pages long. The focus of a final group project report can be on the application of particular subject-/topic-specific methodologies, or on the synthesis and analysis of subject-/topic-specific data.

About this website

This website has been developed as part of the UGC funded project, "Supporting and developing students’ English literacy practices in the disciplines” which is funded by the University Grants Committee’s Competitive Funding Scheme on Teaching and Learning for the 2012-2015 triennium. This inter-institutional literacy project aims to examine the provision of English literacy across three broad disciplines in Hong Kong tertiary institutes, namely Social Science, Science and Engineering in the participating institutions that include the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, City University of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Baptist University. The website consists of a comprehensive support system to help provide a stimulating learning environment for students, content and language teachers. It also aims to help teachers become conversant with disciplinary genres and the linguistic and pedagogical resources suitable in a second language learning environment. The resources on this website will be open to and shared by all tertiary institutions in Hong Kong and beyond.