1. Go to SALL
Resources on the Web
2. Select "Reading" ⇒ Click on "News Articles"
⇒ Learning Resources
3. Choose a story, read "Story" or "Abridged Story" with the help of the
"Story Outline" 4. Do the follow-up activities
1. Go to SALL
Resources on the Web
2. Select "Reading" ⇒ Click on "Developing Reading Skills"
⇒ SelfAccess.com
3. Follow the instructions on our webpage to access the program, then go to
"Library" ⇒ Under "Advanced Search", select an appropriate level, and choose
"Reading" under "Choose skills to practice". 4.
Choose a lesson. You can either work right through all the exercises, or just choose the reading exercise(s) (look for the reading symbol
- a book - at the top of the page)